Professor of Biology
Division of: Natural Sciences & Health
Phone: 503-517-1070
Classes Taught:
BIO 212 General Biology, BIO 222 Anatomy &Physiology II, BIO 245 Evolution, BIO 360 Ecology, BIO 310 Botany, and BIO 215/315 Malheur Natural History Studies
Academic Accomplishments:
Doctor of Philosophy
Biology Education, University of Northern Colorado
Master of Science
Raptor Biology, Boise State University
Research Passion:
Learn about Dr. Tripp’s research with American Kestrel.
Professional Affiliations:
- Western Bird Banding Association (Current)
- American Kestrel Partnership (Current)
- Ecological Society of America
- National Association of Biology teachers
- Nation Association of Science Teachers
- American Ornithologists Union
- Nation Audubon Society (Current)